Thursday, February 23, 2017

BlizzardFang the Woolly Howl

Below is all art for BlizzardFang

credit to Nessie on the SoD forums


credit to Witcherforever on the SoD forums

credit to Dragonist Hellen on the SoD forums


credit to Okamisusi on the SoD forums
credit to Wraithskrill on the SoD forums

Bubbles the Terrible Terror

Below is all art for Bubbles

credit to Nessie on the SoD forums


credit to Witcherforever on the SoD forums

Silhouette the Stormcutter

Below is all art of Silhouette

by me

credit to Mangopopcorn


credit to Megaboltphoenix for the base


credit to Witcherforever on the SoD forums


credit to ShadowOmegaNightFury on the SoD forums


credit to Archery and Dragons on the SoD forums


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Luna(r Eclipse) the Night Fury

Below is all art of Luna

credit to Nessie on the SoD forums


credit to dragonrider34 on the SoD forums


credit to Nessie on the SoD forums

credit to Megaboltphoenix for the base


credit to Laykary on the SoD forums


credit to Laykary on the SoD forums


credit to nightfuryatom4


Reina the Speed Stinger

Below is all art of Reina


(old look)
credit to Nessie on the SoD forums


Clawtrap the Triple Stryke

Below is all art of Clawtrap

credit to Wutend Bonfire on the SoD forums


credit to Siren-Spirit on the SoD forums for the edit


credit to Scar Dragon Rider on the SoD forums


credit to MerricupNightFury on the SoD forums


credit to dragonrider34 on the SoD forums


Felicity Moonborne

Below is all art of Felicity

credit to TosiLohi on the SoD forums


credit to Snowflake12298 on the SoD forums


credit to AllyNadderRider on the SoD forums


i forgot who made this :( i'll find you!! don't worry!


forgot who made this as well >-<' so sorry!
